Azure White

Take It All

In a dead world full of the demonized
A martyr I was born and a martyr I will die
A child bloodied by the sins of man
And a herald at the mercy of the dark horde’s hands
When in blood your fate is sealed
Find comfort to know the scars will always heal
So I’ll take it all
I’ll take the fall
This is my destiny
Who I’m meant to be
I’ll surrender safety to the dark
And take it all
Beaten down for a devil’s prideful tears
Refuting all that the fatherless force us to fear
With a battered heart now humble and bold
I will take a bow and join all the heroes of old

This one was originally going to be a part of The Fall concept series.

This world has become increasingly darker and more soaked in sin as the years have passed. I am constantly reminded of the utter and vile filth I was born into on this earth, making me question hope for humanity as a whole.

Despite the turn of events I have endured, as well as the many I have yet to endure in life, I just simply cannot allow myself to be brought down by the godless for who I am, what I stand for, and what I believe. But, sadly, this faith of mine will never see an end to the ruthless attacks from those who so ardently oppose it. Such is the fate of those who look to faith for guidance and strength.

Regardless of the severity of the opposition I may face, I will not be swayed by those who reject true life. I will indeed take a stand, not in a sense of retaliation, but in a sense of dedication to my God-given destiny. If I must lay down and suffer at their hands in order to keep my faith alive, so be it.

Autres oeuvres par Azure White...
