Azure White

Author Update 23 - Thank You's & Goodbyes

Posted 4/3/2016, 4:11am

So I haven’t been writing/posting for quite awhile now, and when I do, it’s very spaced out. In all honesty, I feel like I’ve lost my writing touch. I guess I just feel as though I’ve written about everything I can possibly write about, which I know is incorrect, but I just can’t escape it. I just can’t find the inspiration and motivation to continue on with writing.
I’ve tried to force myself to write, and trust me I really want to write, but when I do, it just isn’t very well done and isn’t exactly satisfying. I think I’m prepared to accept putting down my pen and turning off the desk lamp. I feel decently satisfied with my work, and now I think it’s time I took a break from writing. And maybe I’ll continue writing later on, maybe not, who knows.
Whatever path I end up taking, I want to thank all of my fellow writers that have read my poems, giving me very positive and encouraging feedback, and for following me for as long as you have. It’s been an honor to have my poems critiqued by such talented writers. I thank all my 50+ followers, whether that’s a lot or not. Your support and positive feedback is what has encouraged and inspired me to keep going as a writer. I couldn’t have gotten this far without you all. And again I thank you.
I’ll be leaving this account right where it is so that those that are new to Poeticous may see all I’ve written over the years if they happen to come across it.

God bless, and happy writing!:)

Aaron Wilson (aka, Azur White)

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