I can’t fend for myself There’s not enough strength for me… This bittersweet Hell I can’t find the weak point in the… Come stand with me
You just want to be better Better than how you’re made Don’t be tricked by desire You won’t get what you crave You’re not the only one who wants…
So I’ve decided to have a separate page for the “extended version” of the Masquerade Ball concept series and just update the list when I’ve written/posted a new poem that fits into that...
Oh executioner Show me the pure face under That torn and bloody hood My executioner Grant me this one last request
Born into the shadow of Hell Innocent but soon to rebel I am not destined for a life of sp… My role, though a simple speck of… Is to carry out all that I must
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything big really and it’s disappointing me. To be honest, I just either haven’t had the time to write or I haven’t been able to think of anything t...
In just a few days, the new war-themed concept series will begin. I’ve been looking foward to posting the poems from this new series. I took newer approaches to the writing process and ...
I am but a stray sheep My shepherd provides all I need I am allowed to rest in the greens And led beside peaceful streams My strength becomes anew
Every waking minute A struggle to catch our breath To escape death We fight to the finish With faith and hope that we will r…
A step back to save a heart A long drop to welcome the dark When will we know the pain of our… False pretension drowns our voices And through the agony of the colla…
Sometimes they say that we’re an a… But there’s no proof, no evidence Sometimes I’m told that there is… Since I believe there is, I’m a s… When I believe there is something…
Fake rituals Performed by blind fools Cutting away at their dead flesh Their bleeding worthless Afraid to be judged
So many adversaries All of them are against me So many are saying “God can’t save him!” But I am shielded
The toll of war Delusioned gore Fighting mercilessly Endless killing Once consumed by the fight
I take a moment to realize That the end is near and I... I feel a sense of loneliness But I can’t seem to find... That special someone You’ve chose…