You had so many opportunities So many hands were reaching out to… I would hope that you had taken a… But once the sky rolls up, you’ve… Procrastination
Every waking minute A struggle to catch our breath To escape death We fight to the finish With faith and hope that we will r…
The final hour Approaches soon Apocalyptic realization of the tru… With just one gust Prove our redemption
Abandon. Acceptance. Perseverance. Confliction. Eclipse.
You’re such a slippery little devi… Slithering all around my soul Corrupting it with harmless evil The walls cave in as you try to pu… Throw me in
Walk The Waters Once Believed Face The Light Would You Care Deaf Ears
I’ve got this said disability Some call it insanity Some call it strength They say that faith is freaky And I’m insane?
Facade Uncover Happy Face Veil Of Insecurity Misshapen
I have seen a wolf become a sheep With faith When he discovered there was life Beyond the darkened bounds of fate The best of the flock
I see them all Tending to work that will keep the… I watch them fall Stumbling as they try to stand and… Attempting prosperity
Endlessly dreaming of love Though not the form I desire With those I do care for and love If I said I didn’t, I would be a… These dreams taunting me
This skin just feels so wrong Is this what I was made to be? Artificial There’s no way it belongs If it doesn’t bleed then it must b…
I’ll admit I don’t believe like you do And if I ever did I was confused I was too naïve
Nothingness... Emptiness... Where is the point in this? Nothing is going to change... It’s all going to be the same...
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything big really and it’s disappointing me. To be honest, I just either haven’t had the time to write or I haven’t been able to think of anything t...