A Broken Poet

"Beauty is in everyone"

You women are perfect. Don't rely other guys or society to tell you that your beautiful

All the women listen up...
Look in the mirror
Tell me what you see,
I see a beautiful woman
You say “it’s hard to believe”
I look at you and gasp
All I do is ask... why?
Because “I don’t have a butt boobs
Or nice thighs”
I turn your world around
Just for one time,
Where little girls dress up
In short shorts to impress guys
It’s sad it really is..
That it has to come to this,
No make up, no filter, your not ugly
Don’t give in...
You hear these artist
Talk down about women,
That this girl ain’t right
This girl ain’t listenin
Well guys your bitches
No homo listen up,
Shut your mouths Take a seat
Let me express it to us
That a woman isn’t a body
Their beautiful and smart,
Even tho they doubt it
It’s cuz some of us make it hard
You guys tare them down
Whenever you don’t take the time,
You treat them like crap
Some Cheat sneak and lie
But women take another look
At that body you got,
I think that y’all are perfect
Not the word....just watch
If I were to turn the world
Twist it and make a knot,
Would the years come back
Rewind to the same spot?
Look inside that mirror
Tell me what you see,
“I see nobody on earth
...Ever loving me”
well picture this
A house family and kids,
Now this is all yours
This is the life that you’ll live
Your daughter and son come up
you tell em how cute they are,
Yes it took time to get here
But you made it this far
Your husband is loving
No alcohol no drugs,
Nothing going wrong
He cares and opens up
You guys met in school
He was nervous to talk,
And when he came over to you
He sees the beauty I saw
Your kids look like you
Guess what you just said,
You told em they were cute
And then you put em to bed
So look inside that mirror
Tell me what you see....
“ I don’t have make up on
O I look like a freak”
I take you by your hand
And show you the way,
I point to your chest
And then I point to your brain
I say these are the weapons
That make a guy insane,
One day someone will care
Hopefully we’ll make the change
I look at you astonished
My words turn to ash,
I used to look in that mirror
That explains all the cracks
Cuz after a while
Being told the same stuff,
You believe it... you give up...
Bullies win, then your done
But I stood my ground
Accepted who I was,
I don’t care who they were
Cuz its just the two of us
So I’ll ask you one more time
Look inside... what do you see?
You look up to find out
That it’s only you and me <3


Make up doesn't make you beautiful. You being you makes you beautiful.

#Beautiful #Love #Poetry #Society

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