Zac Forrest


An explosion of sound
The most discordant tones
Clash with the most emotive harmonies
Colour streaks around me
The most vibrant hues
Contrasting the dullest greys
Reality mashes together
Existence crashes down onto me
Every feeling possible
My eyes widen
I see everything that has happened
Everything that is happening, and everything that will happen
And, at the same time, I see everything that will never happen
I see all of non-existence
Every paradox
I see life
Glorious life
As reality itself brings its entirety to me
And then silence
And I realise
That after seeing everything
All the lands
The universe itself, and even further
After seeing that which is not
I do not matter
I have never mattered
I will never matter
And everything
Every sound
Every colour
Every feeling
Everything that was, and is, and will be
Eventually comes to an end
And now
So have I

Honestly, I didn't know where I was going when I started this one, but even though I still don't really get it, I like this one.

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