William Schwenck Gilbert

A Recipe

Take a pair of sparkling eyes,
Hidden, ever and anon,
In a merciful eclipse -
Do not heed their mild surprise -
Having passed the Rubicon.
Take a pair of rosy lips;
Take a figure trimly planned -
Such as admiration whets
(Be particular in this);
Take a tender little hand,
Fringed with dainty fingerettes,
Press it– in parenthesis; –
Take all these, you lucky man -
Take and keep them, if you can.
Take a pretty little cot -
Quite a miniature affair -
Hung about with trellised vine,
Furnish it upon the spot
With the treasures rich and rare
I’ve endeavoured to define.
Live to love and love to live -
You will ripen at your ease,
Growing on the sunny side -
Fate has nothing more to give.
You’re a dainty man to please
If you are not satisfied.
Take my counsel, happy man:
Act upon it, if you can!
Altre opere di William Schwenck Gilbert...
