That thou mayst injure no man, dov… And serpent-like, that none may in…
Sweet tenants of this grove! Who sing without design, A song of artless love, In unison with mine: These echoing shades return
Hence, my epistle—skim the Deep—f… Yon smooth expanse to the Teutoni… Haste—lest a friend should grieve… And the Gods grant that nothing t… I will myself invoke the King who…
Farewell, false hearts! whose best… Like shallow brooks which summer s… Forgetful of the man whom once ye… Cold in his cause, and careless of… I bid you both a long and last adi…
Thou mayst of double ignorance boa… Who know’st not that thou nothing…
The Lord will happiness divine On contrite hearts bestow; Then tell me, gracious God, is mi… A contrite heart or no? I hear, but seem to hear in vain,
Whence it is, that amazed I hear From yonder withered spray, This foremost morn of all the year… The melody of May? And why, since thousands would be…
Could I, from Heaven inspired, as… To whom the rising year shall prov… As I can number in my punctual pa… And item down the victims of the p… How each would trembling wait the…
Of all the gifts Thine hand besto… Thou Giver of all good! Not heaven itself a richer knows Than my Redeemer’s blood. Faith too, the blood-receiving gra…
Heu inimicitias quoties parit æmu… Quam raro pulchrae, pulchra placer… Sed fines ultrà solitos discordia… Cum flores ipsos bilis et ira move… Hortus ubi dulces præbet tacitosq…
Cowper, whose silver voice, tasked… Legends prolix delivers in the ear… (Attentive when thou read’st) of… Let verse at length yield thee thy… Thou wast not heard with drowsy di…
Dear Joseph,—five and twenty year… Alas! how time escapes—’tis even s… With frequent intercourse and alwa… And always friendly we were wont t… A tedious hour,—and now we never m…
Mercator, vigiles oculos ut faller… Nomine sub ficto trans mare mittit… Lenè sonat liquidumque meis Euph… Sed solam exoptant te, mea vota,… Ad speculum ornabat nitidos Euphe…
Source of love, and light of day, Tear me from myself away; Every view and thought of mine Cast into the mould of thine; Teach, O teach this faithless hea…
Madam,—A stranger’s purpose in th… Is to congratulate and not to prai… To give the creature the Creator’… Were sin in me, and an offence to… From man to man, or e’en to woman…