What thousands never knew the road… What thousands hate it when ’tis k… None but the chosen tribes of God Will seek or choose it for their o… A thousand ways in ruin end,
’Tis my happiness below Not to live without the cross, But the Saviour’s power to know, Sanctifying every loss; Trials must and will befall;
In Cnidus born, the consort I bec… Of Euphron. Aretimias was my name… His bed I shared, nor proved a ba… But bore two children at a birth,… One child I leave to solace and u…
The new-born child of gospel grace… Like some fair tree when summer’s… Beneath Emmanuel’s shining face Lifts up his blooming branch on hi… No fears he feels, he sees no foes…
Breathe from the gentle south, O… And cheer me from the north; Blow on the treasures of thy word, And call the spices forth! I wish, Thou knowest, to be resig…
Hence, my epistle—skim the Deep—f… Yon smooth expanse to the Teutoni… Haste—lest a friend should grieve… And the Gods grant that nothing t… I will myself invoke the King who…
Mercator, vigiles oculos ut faller… Nomine sub ficto trans mare mittit… Lenè sonat liquidumque meis Euph… Sed solam exoptant te, mea vota,… Ad speculum ornabat nitidos Euphe…
I ransack’d for a theme of song, Much ancient chronicle, and long; I read of bright embattled fields, Of trophied helmets, spears, and s… Of chiefs, whose single arm could…
Romney, expert infallibly to trace On chart of canvas, not the form a… And semblance, but, however faintl… The mind’s impression too on every… With strokes that time ought never…
Whence it is, that amazed I hear From yonder withered spray, This foremost morn of all the year… The melody of May? And why, since thousands would be…
’Tis not that I design to rob Thee of thy birthright, gentle Bo… For thou art born sole heir and si… Of dear Mat Prior’s easy jingle; Nor that I mean, while thus I kni…
Not a flower can be found in the f… Or the spot that we till for our p… From the largest to the least, but… The bee never wearied a treasure. Scarce any she quits unexplored
I slept when Venus enter’d: to my… A Cupid in her beauteous hand she… A bashful seeming boy, and thus sh… ‘Shepherd, receive my little one!… An untaught love, whom thou must t…
He who sits from day to day Where the prisoned lark is hung, Heedless of his loudest lay, Hardly knows that he has sung. Where the watchman in his round
In language warm as could be breat… Thy picture speaks the original my… Not by those looks that indicate t… They only speak thee friend of all… Expression here more soothing stil…