Here lies, whom hound did ne’er… Nor swiftewd greyhound follow, Whose foot ne’er tainted morning… Nor ear heard huntsman’s hallo’… Old Tiney, surliest of his kind,
(Isaiah, IX. 15-20) Hear what God the Lord hath spoke… “O my people, faint and few, Comfortless, afflicted, broken, Fair abodes I build for you.
Could Homer come himself, distres… And tune his harp at Rhedicina’s… The rich old vixen would exclaim,… ‘Begone! no tramper gets a farthin…
Pity, says the Theban bard, From my wishes I discard; Envy, let me rather be, Rather far, a theme for thee. Pity to distress is shown.
Bid adieu, my sad heart, bid adieu… Thy pleasure is past, and thy sorr… See the shadows of evening how far… And a long night is coming, that n… For the sun is now set that enlive…
To purify their wine some people b… A lamb into the barrel, and succee… No nostrum, planters say, is half… To make fine sugar, as a negro’s b… Now lambs and negroes both are har…
Cocoa-nut naught, Fish too dear, None must be bought, For us that are here: No lobster on earth,
When Hagar found the bottle spent And wept o’er Ishmael, A message from the Lord was sent To guide her to a well. Should not Elijah’s cake and crus…
A noble theme demands a noble vers… In such I thank you for your fine… The barrel was magnificently large… But, being sent to Olney at free… Was not inserted in the driver’s l…
The lady thus address’d her spouse… What a mere dungeon is this house! By no means large enough; and was… Yet this dull room, and that dark… Those hangings with their worn-out…
The Bard, if e’er he feel at all, Must sure be quickened by a call Both on his heart and head, To pay with tuneful thanks the car… And kindness of a lady fair
Jesus! where’er Thy people meet, There they behold Thy mercy seat; Where’er they seek Thee, Thou art… And every place is hallow’d ground… For Thou, within no walls confine…
Hark my soul! it is the Lord; ’Tis Thy Saviour, hear His word; Jesus speaks and speaks to thee, ‘Say poor sinner, lovst thou me? ’I deliver’d thee when bound,
Sleep at last has fled these eyes, Nor do I regret his flight, More alert my spirits rise, And my heart is free and light. Nature silent all around,
A needle, small as small can be, In bulk and use surpasses me, Nor is my purchase dear; For little, and almost for nought As many of my kind are bought