William Blake

Hail Matrimony, made of Love!

HAIL 1 Matrimony, made of Love!  
To thy wide gates how great a drove  
On purpose to be yok’d do come;  
Widows and Maids and Youths also,  
That lightly trip on beauty’s toe,        
Or sit on beauty’s bum.  
Hail fingerfooted lovely Creatures!  
The females of our human natures,  
Formèd to suckle all Mankind.  
’Tis you that come in time of need,          
Without you we should never breed,  
Or any comfort find.  
For if a Damsel’s blind or lame,  
Or Nature’s hand has crook’d her frame,  
Or if she’s deaf, or is wall-eyed;  
Yet, if her heart is well inclin’d,  
Some tender lover she shall find  
That panteth for a Bride.  
The universal Poultice this,  
To cure whatever is amiss          
In Damsel or in Widow gay!  
It makes them smile, it makes them skip;  
Like birds, just curèd of the pip,  
They chirp and hop away.  
Then come, ye maidens! come, ye swains!          \
Come and be cur’d of all your pains  
In Matrimony’s Golden Cage

Songs from ‘An Island in The Moon’

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