William Barnes

Fall: Shrodon Feär

The rest o’t.

An’ after that we met wi’ zome
O’ Mans’on vo’k, but jist a-come,
An’ had a raffle vor a treat
All roun’, o’ gingerbread to eat;
An’ Tom meaede leaest, wi’ all his sheaekes,
An’ paid the money vor the ceaekes,
But wer so lwoth to put it down
As if a penny wer a poun’.
Then up come zidelen Sammy Heaere,
That’s fond o’ Poll, an’ she can’t bear,
A-holden out his girt scram vist,
An’ ax’d her, wi’ a grin an’ twist,
To have zome nuts; an’ she, to hide
Her laughen, turn’d her head azide,
An’ answer’d that she’d rather not,
But Nancy mid. An’ Nan, so hot
As vier, zaid 'twer quite enough
Vor Poll to answer vor herzuf:
She had a tongue, she zaid, an’ wit
Enough to use en, when 'twer fit.
An’ in the dusk, a-riden round
Drough Okford, who d’ye think we vound
But Sam ageaen, a-gwaein vrom feaeir
Astride his broken-winded meaere.
An’ zoo, a-hetten her, he tried
To keep up clwose by ouer zide:
But when we come to Hayward-brudge,
Our Poll gi’ed Dick a meaenen nudge,
An’ wi’ a little twitch our meaere
Flung out her lags so lights a heaere,
An’ left poor Sammy’s skin an’ bwones
Behind, a-kicken o’ the stwones.
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