John Oxenham

The Inn Of Life

   As It was in the Beginning,—
   Is Now,—

Anno Domini I.

                      “No room!
                      No room!
   The Inn is full,
   No room have we
   for such as ye—
   Poor folk of Galilee,
            Pass on! Pass on!”
   “Nay then!—
   Your charity
   Will ne’er deny
   Some corner mean,
   Where she may lie unseen.
   For see!—
   Her time is nigh.”
   “Alack! And she
   So young and fair!
   Place have we none;
   And yet—how bid ye gone?
   Stay then!—out there
   Among the beasts
   Ye may find room,
   And eke a truss
   To lie upon.”

Anno Domini 1913, etc., etc.

                    “No room!
                    No room!
   No room for Thee,
   Thou Man of Galilee!
   The house is full,
   Yea, overfull.
   There is no room for Thee,—
            Pass on! Pass on!
   The place is packed.
   ”We scarce have room
   For our own selves,
   So how shall we
   Find room for Thee,
   Thou Man of Galilee,—
            Pass on! Pass on!
   But—if Thou shouldst
   This way again,
   And we can find
   So much as one small corner
   Free from guest,
   Not then in vain
   Thy quest.
   But now—
   The house is full.
            Pass on!”
   Christ passes
   On His ceaseless quest,
   Nor will He rest
   With any,
   Save as Chiefest Guest.
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