As sure as God’s in His Heaven, As sure as He stands for Right, As sure as the hun this wrong hath… So surely we win this fight! Then!-
God is a zealous pruner, For He knows— Who, falsely tender, spares the kn… But spoils the rose.
“Shall it be Peace? A voice within me cried and would… ‘One man could do it if he would b… (From “Policeman X” in “Bees in… He did not dare!
Every day is Judgment Day, Count on no to-morrow. He who will not, when he may, Act to-day, to-day, to-day, Doth but borrow
This mortal dies,— But, in the moment when the light… The darkness opens, and the vision… Breaks on his eyes. The vail is rent,—
Singing, she washed Her baby’s clothes, And, one by one, As they were done, She hung them in the sun to dry,
Art thou lonely, O my brother? Share thy little with another! Stretch a hand to one unfriended, And thy loneliness is ended. So both thou and he
Out of all the reek and turmoil Of the dreadful battle-plain, Came a voice insistent, calling, Calling, calling, but in vain;— “Through Me only
Earthly props are useless, On Thy grace I fall; Earthly strength is weakness, Father, on Thee I call,— For comfort, strength, and guidanc…
I;— Thou;— We;— They;— Small words, but mighty.
“'Tis all a Chequer-Board of Nig… Where Detiny with men for pieces… Hither and thither moves, and mate… And one by one back in the Closet… Omar Khayyam.
Each sin has its door of entrance. Keep—that—door—closed! Bolt it tight! Just outside, the wild beast crouc… In the night.
Some have much, and some have more… Some are rich, and some are poor, Some have little, some have less, Some have not a cent to bless Their empty pockets, yet possess
Is the pathway dark and dreary? God’s in His heaven! Are you broken, heart-sick, weary? God’s in His heaven! Dreariest roads shall have an endi…
Shapeless and grim, A Shadow dim O’erhung the ways, And darkened all my days. And all who saw,