John Oxenham

The King’s High Way

   A wonderful Way is The King’s High Way;
   It runs through the Nightlands up to the Day;
   From the wonderful WAS, by the wonderful IS,
   To the still more wonderful IS TO BE,—
                   Runs The King’s High Way.
   Through the crooked by-ways of history,
   Through the times that were dark with mystery,
   From the cities of man’s captivity,
   By the shed of The Child’s nativity,
   And over the hill by the crosses three,
   By the sign-post of God’s paternity,
   From Yesterday into Eternity,—
                   Runs The King’s High Way.
   And wayfaring men, who have strayed, still say
   It is good to travel The King’s High Way.
   Through the dim, dark Valley of Death, at times,
   To the peak of the Shining Mount it climbs,
   While wonders, and glories, and joys untold
   To the eyes of the visioned each step unfold,—
                   On The King’s High Way.
   And everywhere there are sheltering bowers,
   Plenished with fruits and radiant with flowers,
   Where the weary of body and soul may rest,
   As the steeps they breast to the beckoning crest,—
                   On The King’s High Way.
   And inns there are too, of comforting mien,
   Where every guest is a King or a Queen,
   And room never lacks in the inns on that road,
   For the hosts are all gentle men, like unto God,—
                   On The King’s High Way.
   The comrades one finds are all bound the same way,
   Their faces aglow in the light of the day;
   And never a quarrel is heard, nor a brawl,
   They’re the best of good company, each one and all,—
                   On The King’s High Way.
   So, gallantly travel The King’s High Way,
   With hearts unperturbed and with souls high and gay,
   There is many a road that is much more the mode,
   But none that so surely leads straight up to God,
                   As The King’s High Way.
Other works by John Oxenham...
