Some lives are set in narrow ways, By Love’s wise tenderness. They seem to suffer all their days Life’s direst storm and stress. But God shall raise them up at le…
Bond-slave to Christ, and in my b… Earmarked to Him I counted less t… His man henceforward, eager to be… That wondrous Love which Saul the… Sought him and found him, working…
This mortal dies,— But, in the moment when the light… The darkness opens, and the vision… Breaks on his eyes. The vail is rent,—
Soul, dost thou fear For to-day or to-morrow? ’Tis the part of a fool To go seeking sorrow. Of thine own doing
Each sin has its door of entrance. Keep—that—door—closed! Bolt it tight! Just outside, the wild beast crouc… In the night.
As It was in the Beginning,— Is Now,— And...? “No room! No room!
An Anticipation As sure as God’s in His Heaven, As sure as He stands for Right, As sure as the hun this wrong hath… So surely we win this fight!
Though every nerve be strained To fine accomplishment, Full oft the life fall spent Before the prize is gained. And, in our discontent
Lord Christ, let me but hold Thy… And all the rest may go. For nothing is, but only seems, And life is full of idle dreams, Until Thyself we know.
Lord, Thou hast stricken us, smit… Winnowed us fine on the dread thre… “Had I not reason?—far you had st… Vain was My calling, you would no… Low in the dust, Lord, our hearts…
Just see that we get full value Of that for which we have paid. The price has been a heavy one, But the goods are there—and we’ve… We’ve paid in our toil and our wou…
Lord God of Hosts, whose mighty h… Dominion holds on sea and land, In Peace and War Thy Will we see Shaping the larger liberty. Nations may rise and nations fall,
I;— Thou;— We;— They;— Small words, but mighty.
Britain! Our Britain! uprisen in… Of your white wrath at treacheries… Roused from your sleep, become onc… Of those high things which make li… Now, God be thanked for even such…
(THE PLEA OF THE MUNI… “Rattle and clatter and clank and… And it’s long and long the day is. From earliest morn to late at nigh… And all night long, the selfsame s…