There ain’t no precious gold comin’ outa that there mountain, if all I wanna do is sit and dream of what I’ll do when I get some.
Seems no way out, but deep within. There’s a resonant voice calling from the depths of my being; I am not what you imagine me to be…
I’m not angry with you. I am hurting, and as usual, I don’t know why. I don’t know why I cry
Clawing away. It’s dark here, chill and dank. Can’t stop now. Can’t stop ever.
I hide here behind a genuine misbelief that I am special, I am different I and only I
It is me. I am stripped down to my most naked intentions; having worn so many coats and less than noble guises.
Why are you here ? Where did you come from ? Why have i been cursed with one so radiant and true ? There’s no time for your curious m…
I am here now. I have removed my outer garments, placed my trust within your circle… I have come because you promised. You told me you would be here
Time wears away at me, like water on a stone, oh, so slowly, but inevitably, drop by drop,
Something whispers, certainly not nothing. A subtle impetus to choose to stir and rise
It’s only you that I can trust to hear these words as true. Those I know seem blinded by some notion or another about me. You are my closest confidant
Look out there, see them, boy ? They want yer juice. They’re dry, them circlin’ desert… All they want's yer juice, boy.
Cast adrift in an unknown sea. By my pride. Alone Missing you,
I come to the village well today, though without a need to drink. My worldly thirst now quenched, with home and hearth supplied. I am here to fill a deeper vessel
The storm is brewing. I smell it in the air. I am panicking. I can barely breathe. I fear this tempest