The storm is brewing. I smell it in the air. I am panicking. I can barely breathe. I fear this tempest
Neon lights buzzed in staccato out… Sleep seemed something I dare not… I took myself looking to ease my a… keeping to steamy side-streets and… heading for the part of town beyon…
I gaze into the bleakness of the e… engulfed by a sense of futility an… I am like the man who keeps fishin… though he knows the river is spent… I cast my line into the milky pool…
Who am i to bare my soul with thee… and challenge all that you believe… I share from deep within my being as if my father speaks through me. I see these words of love and merc…
“Don’t say anything!” spoke the shadow in the doorway. I was seven years of age. I lay limp upon the couch, still recovering from
I was seven years old. I approached the priest in earnest… “I want to take the lord Jesus in… He instructed me to kneel and pray… A week passed.
Are you the one I have no words f… Are you the one who seeks the space between these lines? I used to think I’d know you inst… Now I don’t know anything at all.
Everything he has ever been taught alerts him to avert that dancing f… What is it then that demands he mu… proceed towards his certain fiery… Some deep and ancient voice within
Been wasting away in this hovel for too many days to count; wishing, hoping, scheming, sometimes even praying, for any way to get out.
Within this pilgrim’s soul exists a hungry beggar waif, who can never afford a moment of indifference or distraction. Alert to every aching nuance
I come to the village well today, though without a need to drink. My worldly thirst now quenched, with home and hearth supplied. I am here to fill a deeper vessel
These words, gently laid upon this page, amount to my sincere prayer they reach within you, and touch your secret self,
The storm is brewing. I smell it in the air. I am panicking. I fear this tempest might cost my life.
Sometimes I worry what you’ll thi… about these words I spew upon this… Not often. Not for very long. What of the form and structure?