I come to the village well today, though without a need to drink. My worldly thirst now quenched, with home and hearth supplied. I am here to fill a deeper vessel
I am here now. I have removed my outer garments, placed my trust within your circle… I have come because you promised. You told me you would be here
Come out, come out, wherever you are. I know you’re in here. You dirty little secret.
Here he comes again, riding tall upon his hellish steed… Dead eyes red, charging straight towards me. No joy in that demonic laugh,
Who’s gonna throw my pitiful ashes into the holy mother Ganges? Who’s gonna hold it as their sacre… Who’s gonna know the need for this… I’ve seen so many nameless shadows
I am that scruffy urchin trembling in the winter chill, with hungry eyes as wide as your fancy dinner plate, staring with an empty longing
I gaze into the bleakness of the e… engulfed by a sense of futility an… I am like the man who keeps fishin… though he knows the river is spent… I cast my line into the milky pool…
I came to bless you with the mystery, and shine my light on you. I did not know you could not risk the light,
Way up there on that hill of yours; that most hard-won ivory tower. Hiding there behind your perfect guise
What is this code that we agree up… but dare not ever speak in words ? That mysterious unspoken-ness looming where we choose to gather. It’s sure we must be seen to know
The storm is brewing. I smell it in the air. I am panicking. I fear this tempest might cost my life.
I was addressed today in the secret silent language that everyone knows; except for me. It was assumed I’d know exactly
Some time ago, I made my way down to the crossroads, to try my lucky hand at the devil’s gaming tables.
Listen. There it is. The hum of perfect silence at the centre of all that is, and isn’t.
These words, are just what they’re meant to be; for you, whatever needs they serve to stir… For me;