#1855 #AmericanWriters #LeavesOfGrass
These are really the thoughts of a… If they are not yours as much as m… If they are not the riddle and the… If they are not just as close as t… This is the grass that grows where…
Add to your show, before you close… With all the rest, visible, concre… and ores, Our sentiment wafted from many mil… (We grand-sons and great-grandsons…
To conclude, I announce what come… I remember I said before my leave… I would raise my voice jocund and… When America does what was promis… When through these States walk a…
YOU just maturing youth! You mal… Remember the organic compact of T… Remember the pledge of the Old Th… life, liberty, equality of man, Remember what was promulged by the…
To be in any form, what is that? (Round and round we go, all of us,… If nothing lay more develop’d the… Mine is no callous shell, I have instant conductors all over…
Weapon shapely, naked, wan, Head from the mother’s bowels draw… Wooded flesh and metal bone, limb… Gray-blue leaf by red-heat grown,… Resting the grass amid and upon,
THERE are who teach only the swe… But I teach lessons of war and de… That they readily meet invasions,…
At the last, tenderly, From the walls of the powerful for… From the clasp of the knitted lock… doors, Let me be wafted.
A song for occupations! In the labor of engines and trades… developments, And find the eternal meanings. Workmen and Workwomen!
Out of the murk of heaviest clouds… Out of the feudal wrecks and heap’… Out of that old entire European d… Ruin’d cathedrals, crumble of pala… Lo, Freedom’s features fresh undi…
Adieu O soldier, You of the rude campaigning, (whic… The rapid march, the life of the c… The hot contention of opposing fro… Red battles with their slaughter,…
Roaming in thought over the Unive… steadily hastening towards immorta… And the vast all that is call’d E… and become lost and dead.
What think you I take my pen in h… The battle-ship, perfect-model’d,… offing to-day under full sail? The splendors of the past day? Or… envelopes me?
O to make the most jubilant song! Full of music-full of manhood, wom… Full of common employments-full of… O for the voices of animals-O for… O for the dropping of raindrops in…
BATHED in war’s perfume—delicat… (Should the days needing armies, n… O to hear you call the sailors and… beautiful woman! O to hear the tramp, tramp, of a m…