When im sad and lonely Feeling blue I think of all The things that you do Your love warms my heart
Five O Three Cruising down the highway The stolen vehicle Sunroof down Gleaming in the sunlight
Early morning cricket orchestra Resounding In the summer air Open fields What lies out there
Veiled dark skies Sullen damp forests’ Foggy breath sans sunlight
Sound bites the dust Dreamy starshine Sunshine burst births lovely green…
Her High flying moon sunshine nothin but all sees All in the evening seized Underneath seas of tired cosmic st…
The moon glows Upon my mind Alone is the pain of yesterday —I let her go The twilights glow
Jestures of love And light Lights of Twilight Moonlit nights
Once alive yet never dead Children’s spring summertime laugh… In the air and skies overhead Omnipresent love Sunshine and breezes
My main squeeze Saturday afternoon Weekday bruises Never gone too soon Over yonder
The lonely wolf cries When she is all alone Howling at the moon Her moans echo in the night sky And she weeps
Her summery spirit and winterly bl… Seemingly Eternal and Alive in the myths of the ages Resented by some Embraced by sages
My rusty convertible In her daze gleamed of a scorchiin… Whilst by the rain she suffered Her oily paint slowly she shed Now she lies within the gates
Big and beautiful dreams picture perfect reality of the heart and mind Alive in fantasy In the morning sunshine
In the morning Across the land far and wide Shines the great god in the skies His wrath in distant storm clouds Rumbles and flashes