God whispering in a seashell Beside the wishing well Beneath the skies Where seagulls dwell The forces of nature
Wake me up at half past eleven When I want to feel your love aga… Tell me That were more than just friends Say that you love me
Waves crashing along the seaside Beneath the diamond lit night Dreams and fantasies In the slipstream Fading out of sight
Her summery spirit and winterly bl… Seemingly Eternal and Alive in the myths of the ages Resented by some Embraced by sages
In the middle of the night Spooked scared I’m full of fright By the night owls Lonely wolves
The river has run dry No fruit upon the vine Creatures abounding in the heat, caves and valleys discreet Nothing left to do
Five O Three Cruising down the highway The stolen vehicle Sunroof down Gleaming in the sunlight
Cobwebs in my mind Sand in my eyes Outside the birds chirp Their delightful surprise Gentle breezes
Olde flames Mere dreams Sparks poppin Crackling Into the skies
En Route En route’ Life aint nothing But a Traffic jam
The moon glows Upon my mind Alone is the pain of yesterday —I let her go The twilights glow
No patience To wait beside The wishing well run dry No pennies to drop Till the rain
Oil leaks and elbow grease Men at work Tuesdays through the week Thursday eve comes Birthing of Fridays oblique
angel mermaid lost at sea one day she will be back visiting the sailors’ dreams she was beautiful
Haunted by the howling wind Blinded by the moonlight Broken By and by without care Victimized by the fright