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Vic Evora

Magical Sunrise

"When a sunrise steals your breath, say nothing. Just close your eyes and think about it."
Unknown Author

A Sonnet
A magical sunrise to start the day
With songbirds serenading from the trees
Leaves rustle gently in the morning breeze
The balmy air salty from ocean spray
By the seashore, listening to reggae
He stared at the ocean beyond the keys
Perchance he could go to faraway seas
And with a magic wand, maybe today
The skies are bluer than blue this morning
What a truly beautiful day it is
Up high,  the golden sun brightly shining
These precious moments he will surely miss
But then beyond, beauty’s everlasting
And he knows the Lord will keep His promise
© Vic Evora

This poem is dedicated to my fraternity brother Bobby D '57. We are praying for his peace and comfort these trying days.

#2024 #Farewell #MagicalSunrise

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