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Vic Evora

Love & Romance

"Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused."
~Paul Coelho

She got cold feet; she denies it but she does
It is all over! And her sad eyes betray her so
While it may be painful now, it too shall pass
She told him find someone else and let her go
For many years she was alone and needed no one
Secure, independent, her life was comfortable
And in her mind chances of romance almost gone
Then this man came along and rocked her cradle
Their romance has become intense but alarming
Her emotions have turned fiery and passionate
Their roller-coaster ride quickly frightening
And she wants to get off before it’s too late
Love can be so consuming and she is petrified
She’d lose herself if she listens to her heart
So to protect herself, her happiness she denied
That’s the irony; it’s a paradox from the start
Love and romance can herald incredible heights
But sometimes foster numbing sadness and loss
Is it best to shun away anything that excites?
To distance oneself from all pain and sorrows?
© Vic Evora

A poem from over ten years ago. July 2014. Resurrected from the graveyard. Posted as is, no revisions. What a surprise.

#07102014 #ColdFeet #Love #Romance

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