Tony Tobias


to the one whom I will follow to the ends of time and space

Wandering through the dark no more
I’ll be your unsullied follower
I’ll turn the other cheek, I wont cast the first stone
Another misfit cliche, I no longer stand all alone
I think I found my Khalisi
But only time can tell what’s in store for me
Infiltration with communication
I don’t know how to handle this situation
Ill be a better man, I’ll know when to back down
And when to make a stand
Come with me Khalisi, take my hand
We’ll travel to far off lands
under Gods watchful eye and Satans fiery hand
Right here, is no better place, on this little blue planet
Full of orchestrated chaos, there’s just you and me
My Queen of Dragons, my harvester of forgotten dreams
She is my Khalisi



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