To Henry, Lord Viscount Bolingbr… I hate the Vulgar with untuneful… Hearts uninspir’d, and Senses unr… Hence ye Prophane, I raise the so… And Bolingbroke descends to hear…
A Beavy of the fair & Gay, Such as are daily Smoakt in tea, & toasted over wine, Vext to be made so long the Jeast Of tongues & pens, to go in qu…
As Celia with her Sparrow playd She took a glass unseen Her mouth she filld & while he billd She spirts ye liquor in
Thyrsis, a young and am’rous Swai… Saw two, the Beauties of the Plai… Who both his Heart subdue: Gay Cælia’s Eyes were dazzling fa… Sabina’s easy Shape and Air
To stifle Passion is no easy Thin… A Heart in Love is always on the… The bold Betrayer flutters still, And fans the Breath prepar’d to t… It melts the Tongue, and tunes th…
Now early Shepherds o’er the Mead… And print long Foot-steps in the… The Cows neglectful of their Past… By turns obsequious to the Milker… When Damon softly trod the shaven…
Our Carys a Delicate Poet; for W… For having writt? No: but for hav…
With Moral Tale let Ancient Wisd… Which thus I sing to make the Mod… Strong Neptune once with sage Min… And rising Athens was the Victor’… By Neptune, Plutus (Guardian Pow…
The sun is swiftly mounted high; It glitters in the southern sky; Its beams with force and glory bea… And fruitful earth is fill’d with… Father, also with Thy fire
To the kind powr who taught me how… Thus with the first of all wch he… Did ancient piety approach the Go… Defended long by prejudice & p… Ive fancyd love a cant its god def…
Grant heav’n that I may chuse my… If you design me worldly Happines… Tis not Honour thats but air Glory has but fancied light Fame as oft speak’s false as right
Arise my soul & hast away Thy god doth call & canst thou… Thee to his table he invites To tast of heavenly delights He sufferd death to sett thee free
’Twas when the night in silent sab… When chearful morning sprung with… When dreams and vapours leave to c… And best the Vision draws its hea… ’Twas then, as slumb’ring on my co…
To grace those lines wch next appe… The Pencil shone with more abated… Yet still ye pencil shone, ye line… & awfull Moses stands recorded… Lett his repleat with flames &…
Young Philomela’s powrfull dart Two gentle shepheard’s hitt With Beauty touchd Amintors heart Celadons with witt The Rivall swains on either side