Strephon & I upon a bank were… Where the gay spring in varied col… & her rich odours lavish natur… When thus the Youth, while this w… Can we but wonder at its maker too…
See the star that leads the day Rising shoots a golden ray, To make the shades of darkness go From heaven above and earth below; And warn us early with the sight
To grace those lines wch next appe… The Pencil shone with more abated… Yet still ye pencil shone, ye line… & awfull Moses stands recorded… Lett his repleat with flames &…
’Twas when the night in silent sab… When chearful morning sprung with… When dreams and vapours leave to c… And best the Vision draws its hea… ’Twas then, as slumb’ring on my co…
My thought, on views of admiration… Intently ravish’d and depriv’d of… Now darts a while on earth, a whil… Here mov’d with praise and mov’d w… The joys entrancing and the mute s…
In Biddy’s Cheeks ye roses blow In Cattys nose they rise From Biddys lips soft accents flo… And streams from Catty’s Eyes The jet that Biddy’s brows displa…
I look & in a moment run The poison thro’ my veins Nor Celia think your self too you… to give me amorous pains When heaven did the Sun create
Mourn widdowd Iland, Mourn, your… Mourn ye unhappy flocks your Shea… Around your grief in dolefull stra… & Lett ym in sad Eccho’s dy a… As sympathising wth their masters…
Far in a wild, unknown to public v… From youth to age a rev’rend hermi… The moss his bed, the cave his hum… His food the fruits, his drink the… Remote from man, with God he pass…
Happy the man whose firm resolves… Assisting Grace to burst his sinf… For him the Days with golden minu… Tis his the Land where milk &… Justice & mercy piety & pe…
To Henry, Lord Viscount Bolingbr… I hate the Vulgar with untuneful… Hearts uninspir’d, and Senses unr… Hence ye Prophane, I raise the so… And Bolingbroke descends to hear…
In the st season of the infant ear… When all from Chaos took their or… When mankind from the hand of heav… All pure & white ere vice had… But evry act with innocence indu’d
A Beavy of the fair & Gay, Such as are daily Smoakt in tea, & toasted over wine, Vext to be made so long the Jeast Of tongues & pens, to go in qu…
Now early Shepherds o’er the Mead… And print long Foot-steps in the… The Cows neglectful of their Past… By turns obsequious to the Milker… When Damon softly trod the shaven…
The Man whose mind & actions… Can bravely triumph ore ye thought… He who unaltered fortunes Changes… Without elated or dejected lookes With a fixd carriage & undaunt…