A thoughtful Being, long and spar… Our Race of Mortals call him Car… (Were Homer living, well he knew What Name the Gods have call’d hi… With fine Mechanick Genius wrough…
Now Crowds more off, retiring tru… On Eccho’s dying in their last re… The notes of fancy seem no longer… But sweetning closes fitt a privat… So when the storms forsake ye seas…
Some ages has the stage triumphant… and vice in masquerade debauchd th… In charming numbers, all bewitchin… has the gay syren drest to steal o… like undesigning pleasure she appe…
With Moral tale let Ancient wisdo… Which thus I sing to make ye mode… Strong Neptune once with sage Min… And rising Athens was the Victors… By Neptune Plutus guardian Powr…
See the star that leads the day Rising shoots a golden ray, To make the shades of darkness go From heaven above and earth below; And warn us early with the sight
Far in a wild, unknown to public v… From youth to age a rev’rend hermi… The moss his bed, the cave his hum… His food the fruits, his drink the… Remote from man, with God he pass…
As thro’ the Psalms from theme to… Methinks like Eve in Paradice I… And ev’ry grace of song I seem’d… As the gay pride of ev’ry season,… She gently treading all the walks…
Propitious Son of God to thee With all my soul I bend my knee, My wish I send my want impart, And dedicate my mind and heart, For as an absent parent’s son
Hark the thundring Drums inviting All our forward youth to arms Hark the trumpets sounds exciting Manly Soules with fierce alarms Peace affords an Idle pleasure
Phillis I long yr powr have ownd & you still gently swayd Now nature has yr charms dethrond & time your chain decayd Both are wth such perversness curs…
With kind compassion hear my cry O Jesu, Lord of life, on high! As when the Summer’s seasons beat With scorching flame and parching… The trees are burnt, the flowers f…
Urg’d by the warmth of Friendship… But more by all the glories of thy… By all those offsprings of thy lea… In judgment solid, as in wit refin… Resolv’d I sing: Tho’ lab’ring up…
My name is Wheeler here I ly Because I happend for to dy life wheeld me in death wheeld me… how strangely things are wheeld ab…
From Town fair Arabella flies, The Beaux unpowder’d grieve, The Rivers play before her eyes, The Breezes softly breathing rise The Spring begins to live.
This House and Inhabitants both w… And resemble each other as near ca… One half is decay’d, and in want o… The other new built, but not finis…