Young Philomela’s powrfull dart Two gentle shepheard’s hitt With Beauty touchd Amintors heart Celadons with witt The Rivall swains on either side
Holy Jesus! God of Love! Look with pity from above, Shed the precious purple tide From thine hands, thy feet, thy si… Let thy streams of comfort roll,
Urg’d by the warmth of Friendship… But more by all the glories of thy… By all those offsprings of thy lea… In judgment solid, as in wit refin… Resolv’d I sing: Tho’ lab’ring up…
Now kind now coy wth how much chan… You feed my fierce desire As if to more extravagance Youd manage up the fire In vain if this your meaning be
How bless’d the man, how fully so, As far as man is bless’d below, Who taking up his cross essays To follow Jesus all his days, With resolution to obey,
Alas will nothing do, Nothing arrest the arm of Death Must learning, sence, nay virtue t… Must these or. real blessings go like all things else beneath?
Mother of plenty, daughter of the… Sweet Peace, the troubl’d world’s… Around thy poet weave thy summer s… Within my fancy spread thy flow’ry… Amongst thy train soft ease and pl…
O Tell if any fate you see Can more unhappy prove Than where the nymph will cruell b… & still the swain must love Twere Joy to sigh & serve a f…
Ime Pleasd that Heaven hears my c… Regards me when I pray, Ime pleasd, & in a gratefull… Will worship every day. God heard my voice, & I escap…
Happy the man whose firm resolves… Assisting Grace to burst his sinf… For him the Days with golden minu… Tis his the Land where milk &… Justice & mercy piety & pe…
Phillis I long yr powr have ownd & you still gently swayd Now nature has yr charms dethrond & time your chain decayd Both are wth such perversness curs…
Rome when she could King Pyrrhus… She scornd a triumph So ignobly g… The treason & ye traitor both… & ever Justly conquerd ever J… But (Like an Affrick) England se…
What ancient times (those times we… Have left on long record of woman’… What morals teach it, and what fab… What author wrote it, how that aut… All these I sing. In Greece they…
The morning opens very freshly gay And life itself is in the month of… With green my fancy paints an arbo… And flowrets with a thousand colou… Then falls to weaving that, and sp…
As thro’ the Psalms from theme to… Methinks like Eve in Paradice I… And ev’ry grace of song I seem’d… As the gay pride of ev’ry season,… She gently treading all the walks…