Now leave the Porch, to vision no… Where the next rapture glows with… Now change the time, and change th… The following Seer forewarns a fu… To some retirement, where the Pro…
Thou Gaudy Idle world adieu, & all thy tinsell Joys; I lovd thee dearly once tis true, But since a better choice I knew, Ive made that better choice.
The fleeting Joy that all things… Goes off like snow while Zephirs… The happy wish that makes our blis… it is not wealth it is not to be g… To glide along on pleasures easy f…
Alas will nothing do, Nothing arrest the arm of Death Must learning, sence, nay virtue t… Must these or. real blessings go like all things else beneath?
Grant heav’n that I may chuse my… If you design me worldly Happines… Tis not Honour thats but air Glory has but fancied light Fame as oft speak’s false as right
To Henry, Lord Viscount Bolingbr… I hate the Vulgar with untuneful… Hearts uninspir’d, and Senses unr… Hence ye Prophane, I raise the so… And Bolingbroke descends to hear…
The beam-repelling mists arise, And evening spreads obscurer skies… The twilight will the night foreru… And night itself be soon begun. Upon thy knees devoutly bow,
This House and Inhabitants both w… And resemble each other as near ca… One half is decay’d, and in want o… The other new built, but not finis…
The sun is swiftly mounted high; It glitters in the southern sky; Its beams with force and glory bea… And fruitful earth is fill’d with… Father, also with Thy fire
How justly art when Cælia aids s… Contends her ms nature to excell The slender needles in that hand c… Such forms as hers but of a better… The silk is placd the winding trac…
Phillis I long yr powr have ownd & you still gently swayd Now nature has yr charms dethrond & time your chain decayd Both are wth such perversness curs…
To friend with fingers quick &… I send this piece of tunefull timb… that, as ’tis said in Orpheus stor… He may teach trees to dance a Bor… Or else in modern Phrase more kna…
& tis too true alass! we find,… Virtue from earth a second time is… She onely then with her two sister… But now since he, what ere were go… Uncertain where to fix, in him the…
The Man whose Judgement Joynd wi… The lives of Popes & lives of… Who sung true Pleasure showd ye G… And taught Wild Youth to shun ye… Who wrote all this—Who more than…
Think England what it is to shake… & better use your King, His power raisd the frozen snake, & Must he when he hears it spe… find how the tongue can sting?