Thomas Moore

Fill the Bumper Fair

Fill the bumper fair!
Every drop we sprinkle
O’er the brow of Care
Smooths away a wrinkle.
Wit’s electric flame
Ne’er so swiftly passes,
As when through the frame
It shoots from brimming glasses.
Fill the bumper fair!
Every drop we sprinkle
O’er the brow of Care
Smooths away a wrinkle.
Sages can, they say,
Grasp the lightning’s pinions,
And bring down its ray
From the starr’d dominions:
So we, Sages, sit,
And, 'mid bumpers brightening,
From the Heaven of Wit
Draw down all its lightning.
Fill the bumper, etc.
Wouldst thou know what first
Made our souls inherit
This ennobling thirst
For wine’s celestial spirit?
It chanced, upon that day,
When, as bards inform us,
Prometheus stole away
The living fires that warm us:
Fill the bumper etc.
The careless Youth, when up
To Glory’s fount aspiring,
Took nor urn nor cup
To hide the pilfer’d fire in. —
But oh, his joy, when, round
The halls of heaven spying,
Among the stars he found,
The bowl of Bacchus lying!
Fill the bumper, etc.
Some drops were in that bowl,
Remains of last night’s pleasure,
With which the Sparks of Soul
Mix’d their burning treasure.
Hence the goblet’s shower
Hath such spells to win us;
Hence its mighty power
O’er that flame within us.
Fill the bumper fair!
Every drop we sprinkle
O’er the brow of Care
Smooths away a wrinkle.
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