Thomas Hardy

Rain on a Grave

Clouds spout upon her
   Their waters amain
   In ruthless disdain,—
Her who but lately
   Had shivered with pain
As at touch of dishonour
If there had lit on her
So coldly, so straightly
   Such arrows of rain:
One who to shelter
   Her delicate head
Would quicken and quicken
   Each tentative tread
If drops chanced to pelt her
   That summertime spills
   In dust—paven rills
When thunder—clouds thicken
   And birds close their bills.
Would that I lay there
   And she were housed here!
Or better, together
Were folded away there
Exposed to one weather
We both,– who would stray there
When sunny the day there,
   Or evening was clear
   At the prime of the year.
Soon will be growing
   Green blades from her mound,
And daisies be showing
   Like stars on the ground,
Till she form part of them—
Ay– the sweet heart of them,
Loved beyond measure
With a child’s pleasure
   All her life’s round.
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