When first the crocus thrusts its… Up through the still snow-drifted… And folded green things in dim woo… Their crinkled spears, a sudden tr… Into my veins and makes me kith an…
Just as the moon was fading Amid her misty rings, And every stocking was stuffed With childhood’s precious things, Old Kriss Kringle looked around,
SCENE: St. Petersburg. Period: the present time. A ballroom in the winter palace of the prince—. The ladies in character costumes and masks. The gentlement in official dress and unmaske...
Like Crusoe, walking by the lonel… And seeing a human footprint on th… Have I this day been startled, fi… Set in brown mould, and delicately… Spring’s footprint—the first crocu…
The new moon hung in the sky, the… And my betrothed and I in the chu… Happy maiden and lover, dreaming t… The light winds wandered by, and r… And lo! in the meadow sweet was th…
Thus spake his dust (so seemed it… The words): Good friend, for Jesu… (Poor ghost!) To digg the dust en… Then came the malediction on the h… Of whoso dare disturb the sacred d…
Fannie has the sweetest foot Ever in a gaiter boot! And the hoyden knows it, And, of course, she shows it– Not the knowledge, but the foot–
Three roses, wan as moonlight, and… Each with its loveliness as with a… Drooped in a florist’s window in a… The first a lover bought. It lay… Like flower on flower, that night,…
Yonder we see it from the steamer’… The haunted Mountain of the Lorel… The hanging crags sharp-cut agains… Clear as a sapphire without flaw o… ’Twas here the Siren lay in wait…
Restless the Northern Bear amid h… Crouched by the Neva; menacing is… That sees the shadow of the Uhlan… On her clipped borders; struggling… Of wanton war lies Spain, and dea…
E knew it would rain, for all the… A spirit on slender ropes of mist Was lowering its golden buckets do… Into the vapory amethyst. Of marshes and swamps and dismal f…
“The Southern Transept, hardly kn… DEAN STANLEY Tread softly here; the sacredest o… Are those that hold your poets. K… Are facile accidents of Time and…
GLOUCESTER, AUGUST, 1720 The wind it wailed, the wind it mo… And the white caps flecked the sea… “An’ I would to God,” the skipper… “I had not my boy with me!
ENAMOURED ARCHITECT… ENAMOURED architect of airy rh… Build as thou wilt; heed not what… Good souls, but innocent of dreame… Will come, and marvel why thou was…
Pleasant it is to lie amid the gra… Under these shady locusts, half th… Watching the ships reflected on th… Topmast and shroud, as in a wizard… To note the swift and meagre swall…