
Can't you see?

Inspired by, RT and Hannah

I’m hitting walls
screaming into the wind
tears rushing down my face
trying to stop hiding
Can’t you see?
I’m breaking down
gasping for air
drowning in my tears
I keep lying
Can’t you see what your words are doing to me?
My hands bleeding
My voice is gone
I no longer can see through my blurred eyes
I’m dying
Why do you do this to me?
I’m curled into a ball
struggling to speak
trying to see
Up is what  I’m giving
Why do I let you do this to me?
Hands trembling
Voice shaking
Eyes barely blinking
yours words are all I think.
Can’t you see it now?
standing to my feet
stretching my scarred hands
Drying my cheeks
On is where I’m moving
You wouldn’t see so I’ll walk away.
but there will be a difference today along with everyday
I won’t let you see my pain
I refuse to walk this same lane
I’m not letting you in
I would rather pierce my own skin
Happy now?
no more of my pain for you to gain.
You couldn’t see the signs
nor hear the pleads
so I won’t let you see the broken parts of me
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