Taryn Marie

Our Imaginary Box

What can you do when you’re trapped in a box?
Sit, stand, walk in circles, sit back down,
Stand back up, walk some more, sit down.
That’s what we’re doing, but I can’t see the box.
See if you show me, take my hand
Show me the walls that we’re stuck inside,
Tell me why we’re in here, I can help.
We’ll talk in circles, and walk with them
I worry, I get mad, I cry, Im frustrated
Because I need to be out of the box
But I don’t want to leave you in there by yourself
Help me help you, help me help us,
Or just help me understand what’s happening.
I don’t want to fight anymore
I don’t want to cry anymore,
I just want to help and understand
And get both of us out of the box alive

Other works by Taryn Marie...
