Taryn Marie

Flawed Being

Tell me if I talk to much,
As I don’t know when to stop.
How many times I’ve been told,
I haven’t gotten it down yet.
Be patient with me when I speak
As I’m not good around people.
It takes five or six tries for me
Just to tell a simple thought.
Assure me that you enjoy my company
As I can’t bring myself to assume.
I often feel like you’re here for pity
And I just need to know that it’s not true.
Tell me why you don’t talk much
Or else I’ll just start to worry.
I jump to assume that I irritate you
But you’re too kind to say it
Help me when I’m upset and down
Because I don’t ask for much.
Just a hug and someone to count on,
I’ll be okay in no time at all.
Help me achieve my goals
To live a life without anxiety.
It’s not a short path, but I know later
I’ll be able to be without worry.
Realize that I am imperfect,
And know I admit I need help.
I can’t do this alone, I need someone here
Who can help me fight this battle

Other works by Taryn Marie...
