Swapna Madhuri

not speculation anymore

- some looks touch you more than hands could...

No matter how we temporarily live in
but here
our two souls are interwoven permanently,
those having life compared to our physical structure
you always leave a Mark.
but not your every mark is a Bruise
because you are not leaving a bruise or something else,
moreover, firmly I said that’s not a scar
you are ultimately drawing a Love Bite
That makes me print a stagnant Tattoo.
it’s not done by speculation and about fancy or not a trance,
maybe our love travel in a trance
but you and I stay in a real paradise.
I love you as an honor,
am not selfish and am not asking for wanting the same energy, vibe and love as what I give you
but I need your time and keen attention.
don’t think of me as NERD as per action for some times
you already know about being at the pinnacle of loving
but am sometimes at the stage of low,
then give me high
just occupy my entire
blow my mind and
do deeds like insane, make yourself aggressive to make me arid.
acquire me,
attain me,
grab me.
never give an end at any chance
don’t give space to enter the air at any cost
here all I need hug,
just like the night hugs the moon
touch me swirl me as like a tendril
and make me mad through your deeds
give me looks all over
prove me again and again
that your looks touch me more than your hands could

How Love leads intimacy


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