Leopard Leopard come for me
You’re the brightest thing I see
Nothing fazes me at all
Though it reaches from the wall
My eyes are closed, I’m waiting here
In the space behind a tear
Warn me when you’re coming near.
Leopard Leopard where’s the gate?
I often sit and contemplate
Show me how to climb the stair
I’ll be good inside your lair
Lost in softest leopard hair
Far beyond the world back there
A fantasy like this is rare.
I write these words with bloody ink
Watered to a lovely pink
They tell me what I have to think
They feed me pills that make me blink
Lest I tell them how they stink.
Leopard Leopard they don’t know
Though these tablets lay me low
They put you here inside my head
This time next week they’ll all be dead
They’ll smoke my special ruthless blend
And know you at the very end
My wise ferocious Leopard friend.