Bunce Island, Sierra Leone - deserted slave fort island. Visited by sailing dinghy '78
I don't belittle slavery here, its how I felt at the time:)
As most will know, Kunta Kinte is from the book 'Roots' which I read in '77.
Our fodder, which art in Devon Mallow be thy name When springtime come thou will be yum, from earth, green leaves are heave…
I spoke two thousand years ago, wh… but much I said was misconstrued,… As Son of Man I said before, I a… I the ransom for the many ~ Throu… My Father’s house has many mansio…
Causal power, well of might eternal origin of life issued more than physic’ light - mass generated polarised. From energetic genesis,
The Atheist scoffs at talk of God and finds me rather odd! “We came from Nothing - Heading for Nowhere” “Nothing to Nothing -
Gnostic indications of a deeper tr… in every fractal facet of existenc… Paradoxic’ spill of light, beyond… —a spark within the fire of One om… Effulgent sunrise deep within the…
I’m want to take the common straw lay strewn across the bar-room flo… ~ discarded, used to curse and sho… I’ll card it ~ scrape the thistles… Feed my loom run at a canter
Leafy London, garden roses, Late one summer’s afternoon. No recourse from tragic duty. Hope his kids are still at school. Stranger sorrow, swiftly rising
Sativa, queen of spiral code her genome holds a key, that turns the cogs within my mind once stuck, now running free. She sparkles in the Autumn sun
A bigot blind will never see, we are all as John Donne’s flea since Adam claimed mortality, who knows what hues in history flowed in darker veins than thee,
One land - many maps each map - many roads every road - two directions
Compliments to the baker and so too my Barista Smoothest crema on the tongue juxtapose to lemon vapour. Intense acute sensations
Contradiction mocks the pseudo-sage. No charlatan, this clown-chameleon; subject to his nature,
“The engine never made a sound!” —His terminal thought, as he looke… That crossing place he knew so wel… resounded to his final knell. On the scene, there was no sign;
1978 - Boarding school - The day… Grey flannel blazer, grey stone wa… Under a cold grey sky. Grey skinned strangers speaking gr… Long bleak and lonely,