Compliments to the baker and so too my Barista Smoothest crema on the tongue juxtapose to lemon vapour. Intense acute sensations
You’ll cheer for the thief on stag… Root for the urchin and crook. Believing yourself of judgement mo… Why throw that aside with the book… What of the chav; 'have not’ to yo…
Hours enthralled by cryptic signs, with ancient tomes and riddled rhymes. Gleaning facts from mystic lores - and still she never sought divorce…
As age draws on I see cause and e… in the realms of life that some mi… For years I sought my answers wit… with no solutions, I started to do… I turned first to god, the father…
more paradoxical foolery..... I have enjoyed my senses for more… two eyes, a tongue, two hands - a… but I can’t see the noumenon you s… all I see is lots of stuff I make…
Gnostic indications of a deeper tr… in every fractal facet of existenc… Paradoxic’ spill of light, beyond… —a spark within the fire of One om… Effulgent sunrise deep within the…
Sativa, queen of spiral code her genome holds a key, that turns the cogs within my mind once stuck, now running free. She sparkles in the Autumn sun
The Atheist scoffs at talk of God and finds me rather odd! “We came from Nothing - Heading for Nowhere” “Nothing to Nothing -
A sophic bridge of signs to worlds beyond the magical, long taken as mundane by the disregarding masses. Obscure and yet discerned
Late inside The Orange Tree, a burly builder on his knees. Well earned pint now cast asunder, he sought respect - his only blund… -
Leafy London, garden roses, Late one summer’s afternoon. No recourse from tragic duty. Hope his kids are still at school. Stranger sorrow, swiftly rising
Vivid light, Smiles so bright, Mangrove, Sea and Cotton Tree, A time I learnt to think in ways, My parents never taught me. I felt dis-ease with christian,
Primordial soul of Helix’ eye Love complete, unheard, From cosmic bliss let out a cry Upanishad Om reverb. Tsunami vibes delete the void
Our fodder, which art in Devon Mallow be thy name When springtime come thou will be yum, from earth, green leaves are heave…
I like to think I’m quite a spark a wise and clever man I can name the elements or kings of old Siam but sitting in my techno-cave