Robert Louis Stevenson

To Mesdames Zassetsky and Garschine

THE wind may blaw the lee—gang way
And aye the lift be mirk an’ gray,
An deep the moss and steigh the brae
Where a’ maun gang —
There’s still an hoor in ilka day
For luve and sang.
And canty hearts are strangely steeled.
By some dikeside they’ll find a bield,
Some couthy neuk by muir or field
They’re sure to hit,
Where, frae the blatherin’ wind concealed,
They’ll rest a bit.
An’ weel for them if kindly fate
Send ower the hills to them a mate;
They’ll crack a while o’ kirk an’ State,
O’ yowes an’ rain:
An’ when it’s time to take the gate,
Tak’ ilk his ain.
—Sic neuk beside the southern sea
I soucht —sic place o’ quiet lee
Frae a’ the winds o’ life. To me,
Fate, rarely fair,
Had set a freendly company
To meet me there.
Kindly by them they gart me sit,
An’ blythe was I to bide a bit.
Licht as o’ some hame fireside lit
My life for me.
—Ower early maun I rise an’ quit
This happy lee.
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