A small piece of metal With a shinning light, Visible yet warmth, Seek the dark smoke As it breaths
You don’t need Grades To do this Everyone does it And it
If I could sleep in my dream; Gazing lightly with my brow for a… When the snowy candles begins to w… I would sleep in peace for million… Knowing my sight will become blue…
today make a trail for us to follow, eat like a poet so you would digest words think like a poet and never believe to be wrong, dress like a…
A destiny must do nothing but wand… In doubt of ones approval and jot, All that one as done and most of What one are yet to do; And surely stride will be exposed…
I can play Different roles But there have To be no rules Or tears because
What do I see I see people talking about me I see them whispering and I think… I see them plotting I can hear my mothers warning in m…
You should see the sketch of sorro… You should see the pain written in… You should try to dig what is hidd… Can you not see how her eyes are t… When her brows flinches up and dow…
Have you thougt Beyond your world Where feelings Are mystery, Where there is no love
Secrets A secret is not a secret without m… A secret is not a ghost that knock… A secret is not a torn sheet or a… A secret is not a weapon to change…
Never Count your Work Because Your
Word me a river & Fetch me strengths Move me nearer And let us faint
Publish a book Not pretense Share the words Not label Write your thoughts
They should learn how to talk, When they sees one another—just fo… They should dry the coals and bury… Like half of us, so strength shall… But before you were born by them,
When you say friends Tell me what you meant by friends Is it those people you go running… When you think you’ve got a proble… Or those ones social media classed…