Sometimes you Need a Break From Life
A full moon had shown tonight And its a dynamic of her own beaut… Her own smile and her own personal… What addition could tears bear whe… Feelings are idle and uncomprehend…
I will not Pretend to Read long books Because of My little
Under the stripped trees in a pear… Winter, there i found a white blos… Dropped in a muffled sound-like And it formed A surface,
When Pavarotti plays On a timeless streak And emotions flares To caress lips and Tongues swimming
We grow in time and by day we ripe… But by hours our memory shrinks an… Dawns to slumber in intelligence, But with love; we sharpen every sl… Our memory seems to please and
Word is force and reflection of fl… Words are bait to feelings and can… Word is a million word that makes… Words is like a shotgun and death… Words is a boxer short and a camel…
I have love life The same eversince: I have love the hard Spent days when money shows no favour,
Now, have you seen? The black mane of a dark horse As it slithers and kiss the marble… Now the whore petticoat, cloaks an… On a starry night whispers its oat
I always Knew she Was going To be hot But not
Ann know your moors As people call it anonymous. I love having a special power A super power An uneven power
Words cannot say How long i would love to live Words be dear not to say How much i would rather live to fi… Words better not say
All this Is Just A front Am
All this Words looks Exactly the Same I bet
Is that still you sitting on a bul… Or am i just dreaming, maybe Not a bull after-all or is it a ho… Am i just whinnying, Is that the end of the road