Oh sleep and rest thy dazzling eye… Nor snore aloud with breath-stinks… Countenance cover’s it or lay stil… Of thy thoughts out bare; stay sti… Claws or brows; Oh now it’s mire,…
today make a trail for us to follow, eat like a poet so you would digest words think like a poet and never believe to be wrong, dress like a…
A very good piece does not Wake up In just one rainy day Or perhaps a sunny day If there are no luck, a very good… Might not even rise at all.
A drunk man once asked me Do you write? And I was like yeah I can put words together, He looked at the cup he was holdin…
Revisited I am revisiting my younger mind, A mind of an old warrior holding o… Spares and arrows, A mind of many endured monks chant…
There is just only One thing Separating Me and my Bad habits
My favorite Kind of people Are poets, Writers But I respect
Oh, the moon should be cautious of… The moon should always glance to k… If i am still here, dressed or nak… With all of my conscious sins and… Witnesses; my eyes could blindly e…
Never stay far away from me, Even when am in distress, and my b… Can no longer bear; or swift with… And compassion strikes out only fo… Never stay far away from me,
You would Notice I Always Use I Before you,
You can’t get Enough Of words Or enough Of context
I cry blood I cry a very dark red blood I cry I cry to read along the lines I Cry a meaningless tear sometime…
The journey yet so far I have walked the walk covered in a grimy sun dust Beaten by avalanche of rain But the journey yet seems soothing…
I write when am lonely When the world is at its Wicked peak, I write when am scared When the thunder is kissing
As may that it is, even though you… Philanderer, Or a disheveled, ruffian, but I c… With the hoard Shouting in loud bars, even though…