Take a look at the road where we a… My future, your future, our future When the time comes How will we all contain in our own… How will the world see our own shi…
Hunger for silence Voice cracked whistles blown Cattles lost Ego’s bruised
Word me a river & Fetch me strengths Move me nearer And let us faint
It might be shit But that’s your own shit And it might be a hit From the park, And that will pose to be
What heart would whisper another Sense will hardly learn; and Wandering mind could cluster Indefinite at dark forests in angu… Of sight and vicious earthly being…
Life could spike your drink Love could stab your heart Feelings could blame your tears Money could pay for less Attraction could buy your sight
To whom; who death might delight, Put on your socks and your glass And glimpse through a river That breath gust of elite; gust of… Which you will miss gracefully
Oh how marvellous It is to Write and drink Your guts out, How scary
For you to be reading this At this exact time Is not an honor It was meant to be.
I walk Through This pattern Because This is
I wonder how i will feel when am o… Wonder if the words will still be… In my mind with no regrets, Wonder if my heart-beats are still… Wonder if the world will be cruel…
I can play Different roles But there have To be no rules Or tears because
Every forsaken days of the week, Every unfortunate month of the yea… I would arose from my own rest, lo… And i would sum the seconds, minut… To my rise or prime to my fall.
Tomorrow is a pretense Which you have to consciously Bel…
Teenagers Take healthy risks, Read books Go on walks Watch the sunset