Stephen Kelley

The Motive is Change

The revolution is a whisper
Beyond and behind
Where all the junkies convene
Dressing up the day’s plan
Someone is getting fucked
But no one knows yet who
The whisper stays a whisper
No rebel yell in today’s technology
The motivation locked
Inside the web (world wide)
We’re pacified.
Lulled by porn and kitten videos
Pit bull rescues
Saved to our desktop and
Our emotional flash drive
The anger that creates evolution
Is stuck in passive aggressive
Therapist’s dirty dreams
Control, baby
It runs these things.
The truth slips through the lips
Packed with yellow teeth
Of a man more weathered
Than any city streets
His face cannot be repaved
He knows the history,
Has watched the decay
That our system so diligently
Tries to evade
He talks legalization
So the jail can make room for the real crimes
So the mace doesn’t need to be clenched
Quite so tight
So his daughter and granddaughter
Might trust a decent guy
There’s always a pedophile on the loose
And a rapist unknown in the park
We’re never safe from the decay of the mind
But we could at least be safe
From the government and it’s lies
Behind the man we see in our news
There’s a faculty brainwashing him
As he brainwashes you and me
I do wonder..
Who really controls these things...


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