REST! REST! REST! It is finished he has said put no faith in your own hands
I never told you a lie I was honest from the start You knew about my wife You knew who I was You accepted the facts
You made me young Took away all my excuses You brought me to life Demolished ever inhibition You taught me to love
It’s been 14 years Since we’ve spoken 14 years In which I’ve tried to Bury my regrets
Letting go Is not a choice That I can just make There are no simple steps I can mechanically perform
Blessed to see Even momentarily To touch The greatest of heights reached by two people of one mind
You were more Than yourself For me You were A reason
Youth is wasted Proving you are a man Seniority is wasted Lementing lost youth
Hope is so elusive It just won’t come near Hopelessness and foolishness Grasping to things that just aren’… I can’t seem to find freedom
2014-12-29-22-53-36_poetryx choose each moment how to act what to say
Too long trapped Hopeless and caged Owned and enraged I saw a way out Extinguished my apathy
I know That you still feel The same as I do I know That it can only
once you loved me i know this is true its veracity is beyond a doubt once your face lit up when I entered your vision
Self Determination It’s never free There is always a cost Self determination Requires
You are a pain I can’t put out of… You are an ache I can’t cease to… The momentary joy worth limitless… Knowing the pain that was before m… I chose to embrace that momentary…