These Blurred images of confusion and fear invade my mind. And these disembodied voices disturb my night. I know the truth is hiding in the coroners just out of sight and skittering away from the light. Pain tore through my soul and the pain was as hot as Hades fires. Terror raked its claws across my heart and the blood in my veins was like ice. My voice has now abandoned me, but my soul still battles to hang on tight to my body. Stone walls do not a prison make... nor bars a cage... Rather silence and repugnant reminders of you’re malicious sins are the true enslavements. For this horrible prison
designed by the darkness there is no escape. My brain is screaming in pain! My pupils are dark with desire of dyeing. The wish of being able to jump out of
my own skin in immense. So I fall to my knees... with nervous beads of sweat collect along my spine gather. And I feel a cold steel against my hot frightened flesh. I feel warm
blood oozing down my wrist and I see spots of blood bloom. Tears rain down my eyes... and my nerves string high. The shadows were stretching long.. this desire of death is wanted and so unwanted, it causes trembling inside. These sinful secrets have terrorized me for far too long.. So now I lay on the floor watching pools of blurred light from decreipt sonces praying for mercy out loud... for my voice was silenced by sins. And finally a dark figure draped in black emerges and pulls me out. I know that my misery isn’t over but for once I’m sure that I wont be able to hurt anyone down on earth. And so fate seared through my brain and heart as a crow cawed his plaintive mocking cry before flapping off to the dark heavens.