It was said life was a box of choc… Never to know what you will get Surprises around every corner Tasting the perfect one, congrats… But wait... that sweetness is flee…
Life is not fair it will tear you apart every chanc… shredding pieces of your sanity destroying the You that has been b… Life will continue to exist, but i…
Lost children seek warmth within the souls of friends and lo… reaching for the stars but landing… Lost children seek love within the hearts of friends and l…
Childish and stupid I was Ending it all because of the walls Built around me, taller than the b… Never to see those blue eyes Wishing for you to hate me
Look outside my dear, Do you see the rain dancing? Prancing around the petals of our… Oh how they can change that vibran… From a beautiful, elegant Red;
love is unbelievably mean Time after time it will break you rewarding you scars that are left… Only if that would stop you but still you chase after somethin…
Happiness upon those faces Smiles spread as far as the rays o… Laughter fills the air, like music… Nothing can change how I felt in… Pure bliss, yet my mind screams...…
I want to die. with every breath I take– I slowly slip away I want to die. with every step I take–
strangers to acquaintances is a funny phrase all it takes is one to take a leap… or in our case a seat and the rest would be history
Story Its been so long hasn’t it? To think that we once thought of t… Where life was like France La Vie En Rose
People say that I am easy to talk… That the barriers they built Are transparent with each word pas… Ghosts of my past Transgressions hidden beneath the…
I sit here rereading every word I… Hiding my feelings in these lines—… To explain who I was and who I am Yet I still yearn to cross that t… To see what’s beyond the sea
I lost the idea of life. The only constant is pain, pain that dances along a strife fi… mixed with tears that drop upon my… just like rain...
How attractive is vulnerability? Because nowadays all I see is wea… shared between many individuals People say they want to go deeper… That they want to peek into our so…
This and that are two different th… I’ve lived my life through words a… Yet when I talk to her I get none Always wanting to be by her side But I could not strengthen my min…