This freedom we having
its not real
it never felt free
it doesn’t seem have it
The thing is
We are not following the meaning
It just easy to say but hard to prove with actions
We just like noisy steel beaten by the stick
By the stick?
Can you imagine
Can listen and hear how loud we sounding
While celebrating what we claim to be having
Its all lies the truth is
The dream of fallen heroes haven’t came to reality
Its still an aim that we far from reaching
We still having people suffering
Humans we call street kids
Kids with no hope of becoming
In them we see no good
The reason is the cover
People its what they like to peruse
Though within they have a lot we can use
When they became crooks
We start having a lot to loose
Because of the abuse to these abandoned souls
am talking about mental abuse
Really this is the freedom that is not free