
A Letter to a Loved One

Hello love; my glorious joy; how does your life unfold? I have a surprise I don’t think you’ll want to miss, a piece as yet untold.

I listened to the music today, you know, the ones that make me think of you. It gave me a brand new idea towards what I should do!

Throw away these rhymes for a moment
And tell you what I feel.
See? It’s already starting.
How weird; how free.

I’ve struggled to find the ways to convey how I feel when I think of you. I listen to the songs that put me in that special mood; but every time I write it falls short of what I experience.

It’s like drifting through clouds of purest fluff in skies warmed up with love.
It’s like a smile that will never fade, a second heart that’s learned to beat.
And when I see your face, it’s heaven.
Heaven; a perfect place never meant for me. Nothing ever met my standards for where “perfect” should lie, nothing for which to put my faith in.

Now however, here you are, and I’m beside my beliefs with what I see. Will you be my heaven, that I may rest happily? When I look towards the sky, your face appears in every pale whisp; is that a sign, is that a yes?

I’ll bet this sounds like a proposal; many days I wish it were. A silver serpent found its way onto my left ring finger; one deep bite was all it took to take hold of my heart. Such a strange poison; blinding me to all but the one I love; shivers as I see her, sweating as I touch. Forgetfulness among her breath; “How was your day, my sweet?”

My day? My day? How was my day?
Black besides your lovely voice; such a pleasure I’m not deaf.

Does it sound horrible? It’s not.
I’ve the strength to pull it off at will; but you see
This venom is a drug to me.
I ride it, every burning dosage as it pumps into my veins.
It allows me to dream

Of me, and you, and whatever else may come.
Children, sometimes. One or two, usually. Buckets of glee and devious smiles to match.
Other things as well; our silhouettes under the moon; a kiss on the aisle; but most of all the day we reunite. The day the winding maze ends and I claim the prize which awaits at the end. I am a dreamer, but one day reality will meet my gaze on the horizon.
For now its just a fantasy; but every day that snake and I agree to play it over again. We’ve become good friends, I think I’ll keep him around.

Do you hear the music now, love? Can you hear the trills flitting as my heartbeat, the tender lullabies as I hold your hand? It fills me to the brink of tears; to know these songs will never age. Even now in dear silence I can hear it ringing loud.

And how about yourself, my love?
Do you hear it now?

If not, one day. I’ll write the world until I find the words that lock together in such a way that heaven’s gates open. A heaven I can share with you, like the one your presence lead me to.

With love; your scribe


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