Silas Cleveland

Slice of Pie

I’ve always enjoyed a slice of pie
Very few have let me down
I’ve never knocked any new flavor or  style
And there was never an unfulfilling slice
Until a particular day
The day that everything seemed to have failed
That hopeless day where I had lost all faith
I had lost it all
I never thought that something could taste so dull, so gray
Or be so lifeless and disapproving
I truly believed there would never be a fair slice again
I saw an old man
I hardly resort to judgement
But he didn’t seem to have much
He sat next to me and gave quite possibly the best piece of advice I would ever hear
He quickly took notice of my slump
He said that no matter how terrible the pie may get
There will always be a better slice
Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will have your golden slice
The slice that will take away all pain and fill me with life again
The final piece where you feel like you have it all
I haven’t had my golden slice yet
It will come, though
And I will never forget that day



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