Sad Reality

I think my poetry sums me up pretty well. It's full of emotion that I was feeling in that particular moment in time. I will never claim to be a writer or a poet, but I do enjoy writing poetry nonetheless. Writing, amongst other things, has been a form of escape for me. I used to keep anything I wrote to myself and never shared it except with a few persons of my choosing. I'm still a bit uncertain to share it now but I figured, why not share it? I feel as though writing is a form of release, it is for me personally anyway. So I encourage you to try it out, at least once.

I think my poetry sums me up pretty well. It's full of emotion that I was feeling in that particular moment in time. I will never claim to be a writer or a poet, but I do enjoy writing poetry nonetheless. Writing, amongst other things, has been a form of escape for me. I used to keep anything I wrote to myself and never shared it except with a few persons of my choosing. I'm still a bit uncertain to share it now but I figured, why not share it? I feel as though writing is a form of release, it is for me personally anyway. So I encourage you to try it out, at least once.
I'm not going to sit here and type out every detail of my life or even share much of my story with you at all. I think what I share with you in my poetry will suffice. No, my life hasn't been an easy or smooth ride, but who's life has been? I started writing from a very young age,  basically since I knew how to put letters together to form words. I'm not the best, I will misspell words, use incorrect punctuation, but I'm not writing to impress and I'm not looking for people to flaunt over what I write or say cruel things about it either. But, if you enjoy them I greatly appreciate it, and if you have constructive criticism, I welcome it. Ultimately though, I chose to share my poetry for the slight chance it could impact someone or help them to know they're not the only one with pain trapped inside of them. It's for those people who think "that's exactly how I feel right now." Because I know how much it effects me when I read a quote or poem or hear a song that explains exactly the way I'm feeling. Somehow it helps knowing I'm not alone in my lonely despair.
My words are in no way anything to brag about and can even be a bit dark at times. I understand that my style will not be for everyone and that's okay, you by no means have to read it. But if you do find some enjoyment in them, I very much appreciate it.
